Hilton is frequently seen carrying the dog at social events and functions, and in all five seasons of television reality show The Simple Life.
In 2004, Tinkerbell "authored" a memoir, The Tinkerbell Hilton Diaries, On August 12, 2004 Tinkerbell went missing after Hilton's apartment was robbed, and a $5,000 reward was offered for her safe return. She was found six days later. In the summer of 2005, Hilton reportedly gave Tinkerbell to her mother, in favor of an even smaller dog named Bambi. However Paris Hilton publicly denied this in an interview for the radio station Z100 in
With Paris Hilton as her pet owner Tinkerbell will be a line as a celebrity she will be used of the line of a celebrity maybe soon she will be in a movie or a TV show with Paris on her side just like The Simple life..
Paris has a resemblance to her tiny Tinker Bell which I think is cute. You Have a great site you should visit my blog to get info on how to generate money for your site its easy...http://www.goldenpawprints.blogspot.com...
Lovely blog. You have managed to get some adorable pictures of dogs! :o)
This is an old picture of Tinkerbell. Paris has bought several collars and accessories for that dog, and one of them was a pet talisman, that is supposed to protect your pet and give it good luck. I've written about pet talismans here: http://trueanimallover.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/pet-talismans/
good one.keep it up.
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